Implementing IoT solutions throughout the council region will make it easier and more efficient for you to manage your city.
Smart technologies provide access to more data, reducing your operating costs and providing new and otherwise unexplored functionalities.
Increase organisational efficiency and security while making your city safer, more accessible and more eco-friendly for your citizens.


Our smart solutions will help you run your city more efficiently.
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“Sustainable” and “Liveable” are undoubtedly buzz words at the moment, but to us they are much more than that. We offer lighting solutions that focus on energy efficiency, Environmental Sensors to manage pollution and air quality, and many other technologies to keep your city green.

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Make your city more accessible for your residents and visitors alike.
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Smart parking solutions help to reduce traffic congestion and pollution by notifying drivers of available spaces in real time. Public Wifi access points assist with tourism initiatives, enabling people to get online and find information about the region.